Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews

Open Access ISSN: 2639-944X


Autism, Blood Types and Vaccines

Authors: Bracco Lorenzo.

My theory on autism is that the cause is a blood contact between mother and child during pregnancy and/or at birth and the two have different blood types (O, A, B, AB) and the mother's blood is incompatible for the child. I found this difference in blood type in all the 12 cases of autism I observed. The alarm caused to the body by uncompatible blood contact activates the central nervous system and if this alarm occured at the stage when the brain was maturing (during fetal life and early childhood), not only synapses become more active, but they also increase in number. A greater number of very active synapses gives greater intellectual capacity, but makes the system less resilient with a tendency to panic. The activation may have been so severe that the child is already born autistic or there might be an immune activation at a time after birth. This activation, which must be avoided as much as possible, can be caused by: food antigens - traces of gluten (Prof. Alessio Fasano), cow's milk, all potentially allergenic foods-, environmental antigens, antigens of an infectious disease, taking traces of the incompatible blood type A or B during breast-feeding. Also vaccinations - constituting an immune activation-hould be done only if necessary for the patient, not for herd immunity, and delayed as much as possible to allow the child's nervous system to reach greater maturity. There would be an additional risk of vaccination if the blood type of the fetus and mother, from which the cells for the vaccine virus culture are taken, were A or B or AB. I think that to get safer vaccines, the "conditio sine qua non" is that the mother and fetus from which these cells are derived are both blood type O, Rh-.

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