Cancer Science & Research

Open Access ISSN: 2639-8478


Cervical Cancer: Epidemiological, Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects at Pointe Noire (Congo Brazzaville)

Authors: Ngatali Christian FS, Boumba ALM, Mabiala AY, Dougaka Moussavou RA, Moukassa D, Nkoua Mbon JB.

Objective: To determine epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspect of cervical cancer in Pointe Noire.

Patients and Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study that took place in the oncology department of loandjili General Hospital in Pointe Noire in the period from 1st January 2012 to 31st December 2018. All patients old more than 20 years, all patients having a complete file that is to say comprising a histological diagnosis. The variables studied were: age, level of education, parity; Clinical parameters revealing sign, stage of extension ;Histological type,The type of treatment. The multivariate analysis was done between age, parity and stage of extension. The statistical analysis and the data processing were carried out by the Excel 2016 software and the graphpad prism version 5 software. The statistical test used was the chi-square test.

Results: Of the 200 files, 57 files had met the inclusion criteria of our study, so the frequency of cervical cancer in our study in women was 22.8 %. The average age was 58,12 ± 13,31 years old with extrems of 28 years and 82 years. The most represented age group was the group age from 58 to 67 years old in 37% of cases, followed by the group age from 48 to 57 years old in 26% of cases.The study level the most commonly represented was the primary study in 70% of cases, followed by the secondary level study in 18 % of cases and the superior level study in 12% of cases. Only two women had a oral contraception. The average of parity was 3.32 ± 2 children with the extrems of 1 and 10 children. The revealing sign most represented was genital bleeding in 100% of cases. Almost all patient presented with an cervix ulcerate bourgeonnat. The most represented histological type was squamous cell carcinoma in 95% of cases and adenocarcinoma was represented by two cases (3%). The stage of extension most represented was locoregional stage in 70% of cases. The most represented treatment was chemotherapy in 56% of cases followed by radiochemotherapy in 31 % of cases. The bivariate analysis allowed to note that there was no relationship between age and cervical There was a relationship between parity and stage of extension of cervical cancer.

Conclusion: Cervical cancer is second cancer after breast cancer in women at Pointe Noire, patients arrived in late stage (locoregional and metastatic). The most represented treatment is chemetherapy alone. Late-stage diagnosed condition needs implementation of screening programme on the national level and to enhance the public health education to save the lives of Congolese women and make possible the access to radiotherapy in our countru in context of low incomes countries.

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