Cancer Science & Research

Open Access ISSN: 2639-8478


Hepatocellular Carcinoma Induced by Viruses: Epidemiological, Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects In Pointe Noire (Congo Brazzaville)

Authors: Ngatali Christian FS, Boumba ALM, Ebatetou A, Moukassa D, Nkoua Mbon JB, Ibara JR.

Objective: To determinate the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of hepatocellular induced by virus at Pointe Noire.

Patients and Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study that took place in the cancer department of the general hospital of loandjili in Pointe Noire during the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2018, for a duration of 6 years. Have been included in our study: All patients diagnosed with hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) with viral etiology B and/or C or both viruses. The variables studied were: Sociodemographic parameters: age, sex, level of study. Clinical parameters: telltale sign, tumor size, number of tumors, the stage of extension according to Barcelona liver Cancer Clinic (BLCC) classification. The level of alpha fetoprotein (AFP), viral etiology. The type of treatment. Bivariate analysis was done between size of tumor and the level of AFP.

Results: At the end of our study, 37 files of Hepatocellular Carcinoma patients fulfilling the criteria of inclusions were collected. The average age was 40.15 ± 14.40 years old. The extremes were 21 years and 70 years old. The most represented age group was the age group from 31 years to 40 years in 32% of cases. Men were most represented than women with respectively the rate of 59% and 41%. The most represented level of study was the primary level in 43% of cases. The telltale sign most represented was hepatomegaly in 73% of. The size of tumor was more than 5 cm in 81% of cases. Most of patients had single tumor in 81%. Most of the patient had a level of alpha fetoprotein more than 400 ng/ml in 86% of cases. The most represented viral etiology of hepatocellular Carcinoma was hepatitis B in 46% of cases. The most represented stage of extension was advanced stage of the Barcelona liver Cancer Clinic (BLCC) in 62.16% of cases. The most represented treatment was supportive therapy in 86% of cases, only 14% of patients received a specific treatment. The bivariate analysis between the tumor size and the level of alpha fetoprotein showed that there was relationship p<5%.

Conclusion: HCC is one of the increasing major health problems in both developing and developed countries. The most important risk factor is cirrhosis which is mainly due to hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus. Thus, much effort should be put into the field of prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis infections and chronic liver disease. Screening programs should be done to get rid of the problem, and most importantly, there must be an acceptable
and effective therapy for HCC.

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