Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews

Open Access ISSN: 2639-944X


Diabetes Type II in Correlation to Non-Cancer and Cancer Diseases in 49 WHO Selected Countries (SC) on The Base of Age Standardized Death Rate (ASDR)

Authors: Cornelli Umberto, Belcaro Giovanni, Recchia Martino.

Background: Type 2 diabetes (2DM) represents one of most common diseases in the world and is the background for many other illnesses.

Objective: To determine the Age Standardized Death Rate (ASDR) of illnesses bound to the condition of 2DM.

Material and Methods: Among the 191 countries listed by WHO, the analysis was conducted in 49 countries (49 SC) with an approved registry. Eighteen among the most common illnesses, and 17 cancers were analyzed. ASDRs of 2000, 2010, and 2016 were correlated to 2DM.

Results: Despite the population increase (+19.7 %), in 2016 Vs 2000 a significant reduction was shown for all ASDRs, with the exception of Alzheimer and pancreatic cancer in 2000. Positive correlations with 2DM was found for iron deficiency anemia (IDA), sexually transmitted diseases (STD), hemorrhagic stroke, respiratory diseases, chronic kidney diseases, prostatic and cervix cancers.

Negative correlations were shown for pancreatic, throat/bronchus/lung (TBL), brain, bladder, kidney and melanoma cancers. For all the other illnesses no correlation was found.

Conclusion: In case of 2DM, the most of CVD were under control, a part from hemorrhagic stroke. IDA, STD, respiratory and chronic kidney diseases, prostatic and cervix cancer should be addressed more carefully, while 2DM and the relative therapies seems protective towards pancreatic, TBL, brain, bladder, kidney and melanoma cancers.

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