Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9458


Cutaneous and Deep Mycosis Caused by Talarimyces in Mexico

Authors: Salgado-Flores L, Horta-Padilla I, González-Varela A

Talaromycosis (formerly Penicillosis) is a fungal disease commonly described in HIV-infected individuals in the endemics áreas of the tropical countries of South Asia. Talaromyces (Penicillium) marnefeei is a dimophic fungus that causes the infection, probably by the inhalation of their conidias. The mycosis is characterized by multiple organ involvement. Signs and symptoms can vary from localized dermatosis to respiratory or circulatory failure. The diagnosis is made by culture of the dimorphic fungus. Talaromyces was isolated from bronquialveolar lavage in a patient who presented lymphadenopathy, localized dermatosis confromated by ocher-colored umbilicated
papulas dyspnea and productive cough in the center of Mexico. The patients does not have any history of traveling to endemic áreas or associated immunosuppression. Must be considered the changing geographical and epidemiological distribution of the organism in order to make early diagnoses in non-endemic areas.

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