Gynecology & Reproductive Health

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9342


The Renaissance of Hormone-Free Barrier Contraception and Development of FemCap™: Hormone-Free Contraception

Authors: Shihata Alfred, Steven A. Brody, Julia Barrett-Mitchell

The objectives of this review to trace the history of female barrier contraceptive devices, and highlight the recent advances, in the field to be able to plan safer and more effective, devices in the future. We conducted a literature search of the history of female barrier contraceptive methods. Cervical barriers such as Prentif cap, Vimule and Dumas Cap could not survive the market despite FDA approval of Prentif Cap. The diaphragm and cervical cap were the only contraceptives available for women. They became outdated once hormonal methods became available. The pill is easy to use; however, hormones have many undesirable side effects. There is a recent surge in demand by women who want to avoid the adverse effects of hormones, and switch back to the safest and most natural methods of contraception. The safety and the potential efficacy of barrier methods inspired the author to invent the FemCap. We conducted a critical review of the currently available barrier methods to overcome their drawbacks and improve upon their design. We changed the material used to produce these devices from Latex to medical grade Silicone, which is hypoallergenic and durable. To produce an ergonomically fitting device, the anatomy of the cervix and vagina were traced. This is to conform to cervical anatomy and to fit the cervix like a glove and adapt to the physiological changes in the cervix and vagina during the menstrual cycle, and the changes that occur during vaginal delivery. Research continued after the FDA approval of the FemCap to find other uses of the FemCap such as control of stress incontinence and using the FemCap to enhance the fertility awareness methods. Barrier contraceptive devices are limited, and more options are needed. Female barrier devices play an important role for women who have contraindications or aversion to hormonal methods.

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