Oral Health and Dental science

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9490


Restoring Congenitally Missing Mandibular Central Incisor Using Lithium Disilicate Based Resin Bonded Prostheses: A Case Report

Authors: Elifnur Guzelce, Francesco Bassi, Ozgul Karacer.

This case report explains an alternative treatment procedure for congenitally missing mandibular right central incisor of a 17 years old female patient. Fabrication of all-ceramic resin bonded fixed partial dentures (RBFPDs) followed specific preparation design and features to accommodate two retainers. The Maryland Bridge was designed by using a copy milling system to protect the patient's aesthetic and dental integrity. The whole design was made with E-max press. Finishing of the treatment resulted in an esthetic and functional successful outcome with 1-year follow-up. RBFPD represents a minimally invasive, better aesthetics and durable treatment modality in young patients with single missing teeth when implant therapy is not the treatment choice.

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