Ophthalmology Research

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9482


ICL Implantation in A Long Standing and Challenging Pseudophakic Ametropia

Authors: Cuneyt Karaarslan MD.

I examined a 36 year old pseudophakic male patient with ectopic pupil, high myopia and astigmatism in left eye at December 2017, He had an ophtalmic surgery history before he came to me, First one had an extracapsular cataract extraction and PMMA iol implantation into his left eye in 14 years old hence blunt eye trauma. Four years after this operation he had to go bilateral strabismus surgery for divergent strabismus probably due to low vision.

He came to me after 18 years from his last operation with the intend of a good vision without glasses or contact lenses. His visual acuity was 18/20 in right eye and counting fingers from 2 meters in left eye without correction. As for with glasses 20/20 in right eye with -0.25(-0.25x180) and 2/20 in left eye with -7.25(-3.25x170), Intraocular
pressure (IOP) was 12 mmHg in both eyes.

Then the left eye was implanted posterior chamber VTICMO13.7 Staar Toric ICL. Even in the first postoperative day his refraction was +1(-2,00x20) and uncorrected distance visual acuity UDVA was 10/20 whereas corrected distance visual acuity CDVA was 16/20. IOP was 18mmHg and no complications were detected.

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