Nanotechnology & Applications

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9466


Biodegradable Synthetic Polymers and their Application in Advanced Drug Delivery Systems (DDS)

Authors: lvana soljic Jerbic

Natural and synthetic polymers have been used in pharmaceutical industry for many years and have important role in the development of the conventional dosage forms or for manufacturing of various drug packaging materials. In recent years, their important application resides in the development of the most sophisticated drug delivery systems where polymers are used as a drug carrier. Biodegradable polymers are particularly attractive for application in drug delivery systems since, once introduced into the human body, they do not require removal or additional manipulation. Their degradation products are normal metabolites of the body or products that can be metabolized and easily cleared from the body. Among that, synthetic polymers offer a wide variety of compositions with adjustable properties. These materials open the possibility of developing new drug delivery systems with specific properties (chemical, interfacial, mechanical and biological) for a given application, simply by changing the building blocks or the preparation technique. Such designed complex drug delivery systems where polymers are used as functional excipients have numerous advantages such as localized delivery of drug, sustained delivery of drug, stabilization of the drug, prevention of drug’s adverse side-effects, reduction of dosing frequency, minimization of drug concentration fluctuations in plasma level, improved drug utilization and patient compliance. There are range of differently designed drug delivery systems and their description and mechanism of action will be presented in this paper together with the prominent role of the polymers for each particular system. Additionally, most commonly used synthetic biodegradable polymers in drug delivery systems will be presented together with their degradation mechanism.

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