Neurology - Research & Surgery

Open Access ISSN: 2641-4333


Severe Sensitive Axonal Neuropathy and Oropharingeal Dysphagia

Authors: Marta Linares-Gago, Marina López Ruiz SLP, Belén Romero Romero, Paola Díaz Borrego.

Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies (HMSN), also known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease, are the most common degenerative disorders of the peripheral nervous system. More than 80% of CMT patients in Western countries have genetic abnormalities associated.

CMT 2 typical clinical features include: distal weakness, muscular atrophy, sensory deficits, osteotendinous reflexes decrease and feet deformities. Symptom onset happens before 5 years old. Not being usual the swallowing disorders in its typical clinical presentation. We report an unusual clinical case where dysphagia and feeding problems are the main consequence of this condition.

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