Neurology - Research & Surgery

Open Access ISSN: 2641-4333


Structure and Dynamics of Cognitive Impairment in Neuro-Oncological Patients at the II Stage of Rehabilitation

Authors: Ivanova N.E, Efimova M.Yu, Olyushin V.E, Makarov A.O, Tereshin A.E, Karyagina M.V, Reshetnic D.A, Ivanov A.Yu.

The analysis of the structure, degree of severity, and dynamics of disorders of higher cerebral functions in neuro-oncological pathology of the brain has been performed. Influence on the formation and regress of cognitive deficiency of a number of factors, including histological structure, tumor size and location, psychoemotional state, educational level, age of patients has been determined. The dynamics of cognitive functions in different terms after surgical treatment has been estimated.

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