Addiction Research

Open Access ISSN: 2639-8451


When Neurobiology meets Psychotherapy: Mirror Neurons, the Social Brain and Group Work with the Addicted Population

Authors: Lawrence Tan

This paper looks at the implications and roles of mirror neurons and neural integration in social behaviors and group work with the addicted population in a Singaporean treatment setting. It is interesting to note that neurobiology not only influences what goes on within a person’s brain but also what goes on between brains of different individuals in a social context. The unraveling of this phenomenon seems especially apparent in a group psychotherapy setting where reenactments within the many transactions between members often get played out in interesting ways. Clinical vignettes within the context of therapeutic group-work with different groups of helpseeking, addicted patients will be explored using many of the theories and concepts drawn from the works of Badenoch & Cox and Schermer as a main framework [1,2].

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