Gynecology & Reproductive Health

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9342


First Line Mono-Chemotherapy using Methotrexate in Post-Molar Patients with Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia

Authors: Vo Minh Tuan, Phan Nguyen Nhat Le

Objective: To determine the successful rate of Methotrexate/Folinic Acid chemotherapy in treatment of low risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) from the post-molar patients at Tu Du Hospital.

Methods: A retrospective cohort study based on 341 clinical records with low-risk GTN (as FIGO 2002 defined) from post-molar patients. Those patients were treated with Methotrexate/Folinic acid (MTX/FA) at Tu Du Hospital between 11/2011 and 10/2014. Outcome measures included the successful rate of MTX/FA and the factors related to the result of MTX/FA treatment.

Results: The successful rate of MTX/FA chemotherapywas 65.63% (CI 95%: 0.61-0.70). The failure rate of the patients with high level βhCG before chemotherapy > 100,000mUI/mL was 5.2 times greater than those of low level βhCG <1,000mUI/mL (P=0.007). The failure rate of the patients with FIGO risk score ≥ 4 was 6.48 times greater than those of FIGO risk score≤ 1(P=0.001). The failure rate of the patients had previous prophylactic chemotherapy was 2.34 times greater than those who did not (P=0.003).

Conclusions: MTX/FA chemotherapy was an effective treatment for low risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) from the post-molar patientswith the successful rate of 65.63%. Three factors asociatied with MTX/FA treatment result was βhCG level before chemotherapy, GTN risk score and previous prophylactic chemotherapy.

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