Oral Health and Dental science

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9490


Treatment Planning Dental Implants in the Anterior Maxilla. Risk Assessment for Successful Esthetic and Functional Clinical Outcomes

Authors: Nkem Obiechina

The anterior maxilla continues to present with unique challenges, even with success rate comparable to other parts of the mouth, the high chance for esthetic failure requires that modifications should be made to allow for natural looking restorations that are harmonious with the rest of the mouth. A number of  odifications such as using a restorative driven protocol, performance of a risk assessment and addressing factors that could compromise esthetic success, as well as use of bone and soft tissue grafts to ensure adequate tissue volume as well as and understanding of timing with respect to implant placement have all contributed to achieving esthetic success in the region. This article reviews of some those concepts, and how they can contribute to dental implant esthetic success in the anterior maxilla.

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