Clinical Reviews & Cases

Open Access ISSN: 2689-1069


Role of Fibroblast Growth Factor in Periodontal Regeneration

Authors: Reham Nasser AL Jasser, Khlid Yousif AL Qarzqie, Abdulrahman Abdulaziz AL Sabei.

Progression of periodontal disease results in destruction of the main supportive dental structures. To counteract this phenomenon, various periodontal regenerative procedures have been suggested. These procedures normally rely on growth factors-containing materials to enhance optimal regenerative outcomes. Several growth factors have shown significant results in periodontal regeneration. This review focuses on basic fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) and its documented role in periodontal regenerative procedures. Through an electronic search in the PubMed database and a manual search in relevant journals, evidence from in vitro experiments, animal studies, and human trials is presented and the best treatment conditions are discussed. A review of clinical trials indicates the ease of use and reduced costs of FGF-2 treatment in comparison with other growth factors. However, additional randomized clinical trials and long-term studies are required to fully confirm its clinical efficacy.

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