Dermatology Research

Open Access ISSN: 2690-537X


Dermabrasion with Non-Ablative Electrosurgery and Peeling with Mandelic Acid and Lactoferrin In the Treatment of Perioral Wrinkles

Authors: Guarino Enrico, Fabiani Lucia, Pelliccia Roberto.

Lips and perioral area are fundamental in youthful appearance. The perioral region is the most dynamic anatomic area of the face and is subject to complex and dramatic changes during aging. The ideal and effective treatment for perioral rejuvenation and, above all, smoker's lines, has yet to be identified. All proposed techniques and previous studies reported only subjective results.

The propose of this study is to evaluate the treatment of the upper lips and the smoker’s lines with a superficial disepithelization with a non-ablative multifrequency electrosurgery and a peeling based on mandelic acid.

Patients with upper lip wrinkles were inserted into the protocol. After a light scrub, we proceeded to make a superficial dermabrasion using a ultifrequency electrosurgery able to create a voltaic arc. Once the superficial corneal layer of the skin was removed, we made a peeling consisting of mandelic acid combined with lactoferrin until a white Frost was obtained.

We treated 25 women with an average age of 60 (Range 52/73). A marked improvement, from 70% to 90%, was observed in 18 patients with class I - II wrinkles. Instead a moderate improvement was observed in 7 cases with class II - III wrinkles, with percentages ranging from 40% to 60%.

Dermabrasion controlled by a voltaic arc, combined with peeling with MA and LF, has proved effective for the marked reduction of perioral wrinkles. The arc acts without coming into contact with the tissues, creating a delicate coagulation. To reduce any side effects related to the use of the voltaic arc and to have a homogeneous skin regeneration without dyschromia or scars, we used a mandelic acid which was able to act without inducing erythema, to accelerate the repairing of the skin, to moisturize the skin and give it a tensor effect.

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