International Journal of Psychiatry Research

Open Access ISSN: 2641-4317


The Lexical Hypothesis & the Big Five Model

Authors: Aram Cargill

In the last decades, personality has become a major area of research in psychology. At the present time, the Big Five model is the most popular approach to personality, having been used in settings that include research, education, and employment. The HEXACO model, on the other hand, is a more recent approach to personality that includes an additional personality factor, namely Honesty-Humility (H).

The lexical approach on which the Big Five and the HEXACO models are developed does not come without limitations. On the assumption that measuring personality traits with language-based questionnaires is particularly problematic for the Honesty-Humility factor given the stigma associated with concepts indicating dishonesty, we propose an AI-based model for detecting deceptive responses during the assessment of the H factor. Our model is an adaptation of deception analysis reasoning engine (DARE), an AI system that uses high- and low-level facial features to predict deception in real-life trial videos.

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