Diabetes & its Complications

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9326


Indicators of Autonomic Regulation in Evaluating Prognostic Risk in Patients with Diabetes

Authors: Kurnikova I.A, Ahmadullina G.I, Sargar RV

Background: The study of the state of the autonomic nervous system in diabetic patients is not an easy task. The nervous system suffers quite often in this disease, especially when the diabetes is unsatisfactory. However, the nervous system retains the regulatory function. What effect does cardiac autonomic neuropathy have on the course of the disease and the prognosis - is a problem that requires a thorough and thorough study.

Methods: Across sectional study was conducted in the endocrinology department of the clinical hospital. 247 patients were examined. The vegetative status of patients with different types of diabetes, the different duration of the disease and the level of comorbidity were studied.

Results: Atered heart rate variability associated with the development of diabetic patient’s autonomic neuropathy qualitatively affects the prognosis of the disease, reducing the patient's functional reserves. The efficacy of treatment of diabetic neuropathy in these patients was determined by the degree of preservation of the biological component rehabilitation potential (morpho-functional index). The study of the effectiveness of ACE inhibitors in patients with diabetic cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN), depending on the state of metabolic compensation, vegetative balance and adaptive capabilities of the patient with diabetes.

Conclusions: A high voltage of humoral metabolic processes provided the obtained data showed that the presence of cardiac autonomic neuropathy, even against the background of diabetes compensation, led to high activity of central energy-consuming mechanisms of regulation and vegetative dysfunction, and the state of sub compensation.

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