Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research

Open Access ISSN: 2689-1050


Not Just the Thoracic Duct: A New Understanding of Lymphatic Routing

Authors: Benge M. dba Miracles.

Introduction: To augment observations regarding alternative drainage of the lymphatic system.

The problem: Current belief is that the routing of lymphatic drainage is only to the thoracic duct. The author through her work in massage questioned this. Her unique methodologies, Neurostructural Balancing Massage and Accelerated Lymphatic Drainage Massage are detailed. Terms which are new and now relevant, including lymphatic channels, are defined. Unexpected benefits to the heart and to weight loss from combining her two types of massage are shared from a prior long term study. The observation of frequent urination in multiple clients with deeper lymphatic stimulation led her to believe in another route. A case study illustrating this is presented within this paper. Mascagni’s [1] Table XIII provided the detail confirming the routing both to urine and semen. Her successful work in helping clients with sinus difficulties (allergies, colds) lead her to first examine the content of nasal discharge. Noting the presence of leukocytes lead her to examine multiple bodily fluids. Given the presence of leukocytes in all of these confirmed there are other routes not defined or recognized. The presence of leukocytes also indicated a probable connection between the lymphatic system and management of hydration throughout the body. Noting parallels between lymphatic channels and Chinese meridians, she has partnered with an expert in Chinese medicine and is currently working to see if Chinese meridians can provide further clues as to the exact routing within the lymphatic system.

Methods: Observation, case work, data accumulation including recent and historic data.

Results: Clearly shows the routing of the lymphatic system to be varied throughout the body, apparently connected to
hydration throughout the body, and to be at the root of much of Acupuncture.

Conclusion: There is no doubt the current belief that all lymph drains into the thoracic duct simply is not true, and limits progression in scientific understanding. Much of the work done by the author should be further researched.

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