Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews

Open Access ISSN: 2639-944X


Wilms Tumor in Children: Results from A Large Indonesian Referral Hospital's Experience Over 5 Years

Authors: Respati Eggi, Sigumonrong Yacobda.

Introduction: Wilms tumor also known as nephroblastoma, first described by Thomas F. Rance in 1.814 is one of the most common solid malignant neoplasms in children. Therapy modalities for Wilms tumor are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. We want to evaluate the disease characteristics and treatment outcome of a patient with Wilms tumor over for 5 years.

Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the Wilms Tumor patient who had undergone surgery and other therapy in our national referral hospital in the interval between January 2013 and December 2018. Demographic features, obstetric history, tumor stage, histopathologic and radiographic results, therapy and outcome were evaluated. Descriptive analysis using frequencies was used to describe the study variables.

Result: A total of 50 patients (54% female) with Wilms tumor with a median age of 56 months were identified. The stage frequencies of our cases were: stage I (24%), stage II (12%), stage III (28%) and stage IV (36%). Nephrectomy was performed in 16 patients (32%). The majority of parents (72%) have a low educational level. Sixty-eight percent of parents attended antenatal care less than four times during pregnancy. The mean of pregnancy age from the mother is 24.96 ± 4.370. The average birth weight and birth length were within the normal range; 2878±415, 50.32±3.50 respectively. Significant correlations were found between tumor stage educational level (p=0.002), and antenatal care (p=0.011). While other factors such as age, gender, treatment of choice, mother’s age at delivery, birth weight, and birth length failed to show any significant correlations.

Conclusion: The outcome in our center was poorer than worldwide Wilms Tumor, even in Asia. Our study showed that maternal educational background and antenatal care were the only two factors significantly associated with tumor stage in our study.

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