Nursing & Primary Care

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9474


Biopsychosocial Stressors for Service Providers Assisting Clients Facing Death

Authors: Marissa Happ, Mark Stone.

The Hospice movement brought a new paradigm that challenged society’s perception of terminal illness; death became accepted as the final stage of life and new awareness emerged that changed the treatment modalities available for patients facing death. Clients today find support from trained volunteers as death approaches and after it takes place. It is crucial to consider the needs of volunteers to ensure that appropriate supports are in place for them as well as the clients they serve.

The Volunteer Assessment Survey (VAS) was constructed to evaluate the status of service providers. The VAS consists of 32 statements addressing eight specific topics pertinent to their motivation for service. A subsample also completed a narrative report. The findings indicate the biopsychosocial status of the volunteers.

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