Ophthalmology Research

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9482


Knowledges, Attitudes and Practices of Diabetic Patients Face to Diabetic Retinopathy in Parakou in 2019

Authors: Assavedo Codjo Rodrigue Abel, Alfa Bio Amadou Issifou, Sina Zabdi, Monteiro Salimatou, Abouki Chakiratou, Alamou Soule and Tchabi Hounnou Sidonie.

Introduction: Diabetic retinopathy is one of the main causes of blindness. Preventive measures and screening will reduce its impact.

Objective: Study the knowledges, attitudes and practices of diabetic patients about diabetic retinopathy from 03 hospitals in the District of Parakou in 2019.

Methods: The study was carried out in 03 hospitals in northern Benin (University and Regional Health Center of Borgou and Alibori, Army Health Center of Parakou, and the Diabetes Center of Benin. This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional prospective study that covered a period of 03 months from 15th May to 20th August, 2019. The sampling method was non-probability. Selection of diabetic patients was exhaustive taking care for the consent of each patient. The aged group was at least 18 years old and above, resident in Parakou and followed up in one of the above heath centers. We enrolled 150 patients after submitted them to some questionnaires.

Results: From the total number of 150 patients, 59.33% were male. The mean age was 55.07 ± 11.62 years. The participants were predominantly married (87.33%) and 62% of them were literate. 48% of patients said diabetes mellitus is responsible of eye complications. 52% and 12% of patients reported that balancing blood sugar and normalizing blood pressure, respectively, are preventative factors for diabetic retinopathy. 27.33% of patients reported the need for a regular eye fundus exam. 12.67% of patients have a regular annual eye fundus examination and 56.67% of patients have never had one. Education and gender were associated with level of knowledges; education and low income were associated with level of practices.

Conclusion: Reducing the impact of diabetic retinopathy requires better involvement of the diabetic patient, the ophthalmologist, the endocrinologist and the authorities of the Ministry of Health. 

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