Nursing & Primary Care

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9474


Describing Nurse's, Doctor's and Family Members' Perceptions on Family Needs In Critical Care Units at King Khalid Hospital-Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Authors: Jennifer de Beer, Hend Alnajjar, Wafaa Elarousy, Salma Z Al- Mowalled.

Background: Admissions of critically ill patients in critical care units are considered a stressful and traumatic situation for FMs causing negative effects for them. This results in poor coping or failing to cope with this stressful event, leading to family dysfunction, negatively affecting the patient’s progress.

Aim and Methods: The aim of the study was to describe the received family needs of family members. Quantitative descriptive design using the Critical Care Family Needs Inventory Tool was used. 67 Family members, 184 critical care nurses and 77 doctors were included in the study using a convenience sampling method.

Results: Both pediatric intensive care (mean 3.71) and emergency room respondents (mean 3.61) ranked “to be assured that the best possible care is being given to the patient” at the most important need. This need was ranked the second most important need by respondents in intensive care (mean 3.65).

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