Cancer Science & Research

Open Access ISSN: 2639-8478


Circumcision of Male Children in the Community Service Project: The Characteristics and Prospective Follow up Study

Authors: Besut Daryanto, Kurnia Penta Seputra, Reza Amorga, Hamdan Yuwafi Naim.

Background & Objectives: Circumcision is a procedure that involves removing the prepuce, the fold of skin covering the head of the penis. Various medical and non-medical conditions are known indications for circumcision. Various medical benefits and complications are also known to be associated with circumcision. This study aims to provide an epidemiological characteristics of the indications and complications of circumcision.

Materials and Methods: This research is a prospective follow up study conducted in the context of a community service project on November 28th-29th, 2020. Circumcision was carried out according to medical and non-medical indications. Circumcision is performed by means of the dorsumcision technique. The operators were urology residents, surgery resident, and urologists.

Results: There were a total of 49 participants registered in this circumcision activity, but 5 people had not passed pre-screening conditions, so they were excluded. There were 44 participants who underwent circumcision with a mean age of 10.3 years, a BMI of 19.9 and a penis length of 5.26 cm. 14 participants (31.8%) did not experience phimosis, while the rest had phimosis to varying degrees. There were 6 participants who experienced bleeding after circumcision and 5 participants who experienced delayed wound healing at 1 week post-procedure monitoring. In the second week after the procedure, all participants experienced no symptoms of complications.

Conclusion: Effective and safe circumcision is performed by medical and non-medical indications. There are no long-term complications associated with circumcision.

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