Recent Advances in Clinical Trials

Open Access ISSN: 2771-9057


A Patient with Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Weakness Managed by Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening Exercise

Authors: Fabiha Alam, Fatema Akter, Nahid Parvez

Now a day’s Low-back pain is a major health problem in all over the world. 70-80% people have suffering with LBP at any time of their life. More than 200 million people who hassuffered by incontinence which occurs mostly during middle age and associated with quality of life. Female were more vulnerable than male due to the body structure and exposure. Core muscle strengthening improves their overall function and daily quality of life. Pilates helps to improve their core muscles strength and helps to solve their incontinence problem. In this case 45 years old women are a housewife with three children. She was suffering from back pain with incontence problem for few months. Gradually she was feeling weakness in her left lower limb and more the leakage problem especially in stress position during coughing, sneezing time. The course of intervention started with Mackenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy of lumbar spine. Repeated Extension in Lying, 10 repetitions every 2 hours. From 4th weeks started pelvic floor strengthening exercise. Strengthening of back muscle and stabilization exercise of lumbar spine has been started after 3 weeks as adjacent therapy. LBP with incontinence may be benefited by thoracic spine mobilization including stretching of hip flexors, piriformis muscles According to WHO, describes any disorder causes not only physical impairments, but also causing limitation in activities, restriction in participation and contextual factors which have been perfectly described by ICF. Within 6 weeks of treatment, she progressed in pain and radicular symptom, muscle strength and gradual activity participation. She also had an experience of adapting the situation and upholding her household activities. Among all other complications urinary incontinence was the most irritable conditions which affected mostly the quality of life. Most of the time surgical interventions were not so much effective than behavioral and therapeutic exercises. Physiotherapy core strengthening exercises with Pilate’s method were helpful for their improvement of this condition.

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