Insights in Blood Disorders

Open Access ISSN: 2771-9073


Morph Functional Features and Approaches to the Study of the Golgi Complex

Authors: Bon LI, Deva RG, Thishan LK, Abdul LSh.

The Golgi complex is distinguished by great polymorphism and shape variability. The Golgi complex response to pathological disorders is predominantly as an intermediary component where it is involved in processing, sorting and secretion of materials via secretory granules, and in the formation of lysosomes. Initial response of the Golgi complex to any stress is an alteration or cessation of secretory activity. In the transformed cell, the Golgi complex is altered both morphologically and biochemically, suggesting a shift from a secretory to a membrane?generating mode of functioning. The study of the Golgi complex morph functional features will serve as a fundamental basis for distalization of the pathogenesis of many diseases.

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