Clinical Reviews & Cases

Open Access ISSN: 2689-1069


Profile Overactive Bladder in Community Health Service

Authors: Besut Daryanto, Kurnia Penta Seputra, Paksi Satyagraha, I G Lanang Andi S, Hamdan Yuwafi Naim.

Introduction: Overactive bladder (OAB) can be defined as urgency with or without urge incontinence, generally accompanied by frequency and nocturia. Urgency, which is usually the main presenting symptom, is defined as a sudden, compelling desire to pass urine, which is difficult to defer. Frequency is generally defined as more than eight micturition’s in a 24 hour period, and nocturia is generally defined as more than one micturition per night. OAB may be classified as “wet” (if it occurs with urge incontinence) or “dry” (without urge incontinence). The incidence of OAB in Europe and America were similar that almost 17% of general population had OAB. There are no data about profile OAB prevalence, especially age and gender to the possibility of overactive bladder incidence in Indonesia, especially in Malang.

Method: This was observational study. There are two kind of questioners that will be filled by the audiences, OABSS (Overactive Bladder Symptoms Score) dan Overactive Bladder Validated 8 Question Screener. The result of the screening will be noted and processed to find the profile of overactive bladder. The research was held in Community Health Service. 

Result: There were total 83 people that underwent OAB screening in Dewi Shinta Elderly health care service, that most of them were female 71 (86%) and only 12 male (14%). The average age was 59.8 years old, the oldest was 86 years old and the youngest was 53 years old. Range of 51-69 years old was the most common number (70/84%) and followed by >70 years old (13/16%). In OABSS, there are total 75 people (90%) with mild OAB and 8 people (10%) with moderate OAB and there was no severe OAB. In Overactive Bladder Validated 8 Question Screener, there are 21 people (25.3%) that was OAB suspicious. There was no association of age and gender to the result of both scoring system, OABSS (Overactive Bladder Symptoms Score) dan Overactive Bladder Validated 8 Question Screener.

Conclusion: Most of patients were female with moderate OAB score. There was no association of age and gender to the possibility of overactive bladder incidence in Bunulrejo Sub-District.

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