Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9458


COVID-19, Public Health Policy and The Variant Dilemma: What Should Have Been Done That Was Not Done?

Authors: Matteo Maria Cati.

The recent surge in the number of cases of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in Europe raises an important question about the management of the pandemic by the health authorities in Europe in light of the emergence of the new Omicron lineages B.A. 4 and B.A.5 that need to be further investigated. This article, which highlights the existence of a one-to-one relationship between the peaks of the –COVID-19 pandemic in Europe and the economic slowdown of the affected nations, raises an important question as to what the reasons are that led many European governments to decide to relax some of the emergency measures. The question is of no small importance considering the timing, which could outline a cause-effect relationship, between the relaxations of some emergency measures in Europe (such as the nonmandatory use of FFP2 masks outdoors and indoors) and the increase in infections.

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