Surgical Research

Open Access ISSN: 2689-1093


Cicatricial Parietal Endometriosis: A Case Report of an Unusual Location

Authors: Prosper NSENGIYUMVA, Noureddine NJOUMI, Aziz FADILI, Mohamed EL FAHSSI, Abderrahman ELHJOUJI, Aziz ZENTAR, Abdelmounaim AIT ALI.

Endometriosis of the abdominal wall is a rare pathology occurring after gynecological or obstetrical surgery. We report the case of a patient presenting with menstrual pain localised at the point of a caesarean scar. The clinical examination found a nodule located at the level of the right iliac fossa. The rest of the examination was normal. Computer tomography (CT) scan showed a nodular focus that has a long axis of 2.38 cm which is hypo dense, hence the decision to excise the lesion. After excision, the anatomo-pathological studies confirmed the diagnosis of endometriosis. An 18 months post-operative follow-up was done and there was no complication found, no recurrence of the mass or pain at the site of excision.

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