Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9458


Omicron Transmissibility, Severity, Vaccines, and Future Perspectives

Authors: Adil Maqbool, Subrina Jesmin, Nobutake Shimojo, Masao Moroi.

SARS-CoV-2 Omicron is the next possible version of the COVID-19 virus that will spread globally after the D614G, Beta/Gamma, and Delta waves. Among all the VOCs studied to date, the virus has the highest mutation rate, making it more likely to spread and more resistant to the vaccine's protective effects. To respond effectively, getting people thinking about the issue without going overboard is necessary. The emergence of new COVID-19 variations like Omicron serves as a sobering reminder that this pandemic is far from over. Until the vaccine is widely distributed, people should remain isolated from one another, use protective gear such as masks and wash their hands frequently and ventilate their homes to reduce the spread of the infection. Access to vaccines and other preventative health care is a global need.

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