Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatology

Open Access ISSN: 2689-1085


Neonatal Omphalo-Mesenteric Fistula: About 1 Case

Authors: Doumbia A, Coulibaly Y, kouyate M, Amadou I, Coulibaly O, Kamate B, Daou M, Djire MK.

Introduction: The omphalo-mesenteric (FOM) or entero-umbilical fistula is a congenital anomaly related to the complete persistence of the omphalo-mesenteric canal (COM). Its diagnosis is often easy and is based on clinical examination and fistulography. We report a case of neonatal omphalo-mesenteric fistula.

Observation: This is a newborn at 10 days of life, male, from a full-term pregnancy, who presented from the first days of life an umbilical discharge made up of intestinal fluid and meconium. Examination of the umbilicus showed a raspberry umbilical bud, centered by an easily catheterizable orifice. The injection of water-soluble contrast product through this orifice objectified a communication of the fistula with the ileal loops. The data from the clinical examination and the fistulography made it possible to make the diagnosis of omphalo-mesenteric fistula. At the surgical intervention, the exploration finds an omphalo-mesenteric fistula. We performed an intestinal resection on either side of the fistula with end-to-end anastomosis.

Conclusion: The omphalo-mesenteric fistula is a rare condition. The clinical picture is sometimes atypical and consists of a simple oozing umbilical bud which does not respond to the application of nitrate. Its diagnosis must be made from the neonatal period to avoid serious complications.

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