Neurology - Research & Surgery

Open Access ISSN: 2641-4333


Endoscopic Treatment of a Nasocranial Penetrating Head Injury by Knife Blade

Authors: Denlewende Sylvain ZABSONRE, Céline Lucie BAMBARA, Wendlasida Serge Pacome Arnauld YAMEOGO, Bievianda Vincent ILI, Yacouba HARO, Abdoulaye SANOU, Inoussa ZOUNGRANA, Yvette Marie Chantal GYEBRE, Abel KABRE.

Background: Non-ballistic penetrating head injuries are exceptional at the skull base. A foreign object entering the brain via one nostril is a rare situation. It is serious because of skull base vital anatomical elements threatened. We report a case of nasocranial penetrating head injury by knife blade in a child whom we treated with an endoscope.

Case Description: This was a 07-year-old patient admitted urgently for an accidental implantation of a metallic foreign object (knife) in the right nostril. The examination noted a knife blade implanted firmly in the right nostril and inactive right rhinorrhagia. Computed tomography made it possible to objectify the knife blade going from the right nostril, crossing the ethmoidal cells to lodge in the cerebral parenchyma. It was performed approximately 14 hours after admission, removal of knife blade using endoscope. After 3 months, postoperative follow-up was simple.

Conclusion: Penetrating skull base injuries are exceptional. Their management poses particular difficulties in relation to this location. Endoscope was certainly helpful in the management of our case.

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