International Journal of Research in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Open Access ISSN: 2996-4377


Effectiveness of Gait Training Using Body-Weight-Supported Treadmill among Patients with Stroke: A Review Study

Authors: Abdullah Ibn Abul Fazal, Md Waliul Islam, Nahid Tahlima, Zulkar Naine, Md Golam Kibria.

Background: Body-weight-supported treadmill training (BWSTT) or herness system is a new approach to treat gait recovery among stroke patients.

Objectives: To explore the effects of gait training using body weight supported treadmill or herness system among stroke patients.

Methodology: This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of gait training using body-weight-supported treadmill among stroke patients by reviewing of the article. Five articles were reviewed in order to fulfil the purpose of this study. With a PEDro score ranging from 4 to 8, randomized controlled trial was used. Each article is analyzed carefully to find out the effectiveness of the intervention.

Results: In this study found that both BWSTT and conventional overground training has beneficiary effects for recovery and had impact on parameters related to balance, mobility, and fear of falling among stroke patients.

Conclusion: To determine the intensity and precise number of training sessions that should be carried out to restore normal gait, more and better study is required.

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