Journal of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering

Open Access ISSN: 2771-666X


Cross-Sectional Shape Comparison In Corrugated Plates

Authors: Efe Savran, Cagatay Cakarer, Fevzi Berkay Sener, Fatih Karpat.

Corrugated sheets are sheet parts used in various applications. The shapes of parts are dominators in mechanical behavior. Structural reliability is related to the ability of the structure to remain within the desired range of stress and deformation values according to the load type. The use of corrugated plates on platforms for load-bearing both prevents the use of thick materials for strength and ensures that the structure created is light.

In this study, corrugated plate samples that have 100 mm width and 2 mm thickness were comthepared by the finite element method. Corrugated plate models such as pentagon, circle, supported rectangle, rectangle, square, saw, and trapeze were designed and evaluated under 20 kg load that was t applied on the surface of 50 mm width. Results showed that the trapeze model is the most rigid and circle has the least stress value model. The study revealed the effect of the corrugate model on the structural strength for plates, which are frequently used in industrial applications.

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