Clinical Reviews & Cases

Open Access ISSN: 2689-1069


Median Suboccipital Craniotomy caused by Arnold Chiari I Malformation

Authors: Plancarte-Sánchez J, Fernández-Jiménez JC, Rendón Recillas IY, Piña-Rubio FJ, Torres-Hernández RM.

30-year-old female patient’s report diagnosed with Arnold Chiari type I malformation, who was scheduled for a midline suboccipital craniotomy surgery handled with total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA). The patient was treated with Fentanyl and supported with propofol and dexmedetomidine. Brain monitoring was based on Entropy with ranges between 40-60 during all the intraoperative. It was proved the patient’s safety when submitted to a craniotomy with Arnold Chiari type I malformation with (total intravenous anesthesia) TIVA related to an adequate brain monitoring support and hemodynamic stability.

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