Medical and Clinical Case Reports

Open Access ISSN: 2768-6647


Cesarean delivery in a Pregnant Woman with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Kyphoscoliosis: Anesthetic Challenges

Authors: Talita de Freitas Souza, Paul Holzmann Neto, Igor Alcântara Procópio, Jadson Lardy Lemes, Geovana Torres de Souza, Camila Gomes Dall’Aqua, Bruno Pessoa Chacon, Marina Ayres Delgado.

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is associated with the development of tumors in the nervous system, bone abnormalities, respiratory, cardiovascular, airway, and endocrine changes, among others, which interfere with anesthetic management. We present a case of a full-term pregnant woman who underwent elective cesarean section, diagnosed with NF1 and severe scoliosis. The chosen technique was general anesthesia. The management of these patients is highly challenging and requires attention to the possibility of complications, regardless of the type of anesthesia adopted.

This case report highlights the anesthesia management of a cesarian section of a patient with neurofibromatosis and scoliosis.

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