Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research

Open Access ISSN: 2689-1050


A Comparative Analysis of Communication Strategies in Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: Lessons from New Zealand and Sweden, Considering Population Differences

Authors: Matteo Maria Cati.

Amid the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, effective communication emerged as a linchpin in navigating the crisis and shaping public responses. This article conducts a meticulous comparative analysis of the communication strategies employed by New Zealand and Sweden, countries renowned for their distinctive approaches, while also acknowledging the significant variance in their population sizes. Leveraging empirical data, scholarly literature, and per capita normalization techniques, we delve into the impact of these strategies on critical metrics such as death tolls, economic outcomes, and social cohesion. Results indicate that clear and consistent communication contributed to lower per capita mortality in New Zealand. Meanwhile, tailoring public health messaging to sociocultural contexts and balancing individualism with collectivism appears vitally important. The findings highlight valuable lessons for crisis communication strategies suitable across diverse population settings.

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