Ophthalmology Research

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9482


Development of Novel Radial Relaxation Retinectomy Method on Retinal Detachment with Advanced Proliferative

Authors: Waldensius Girsang, Sari DCR, Srigutomo Wahyu, Sasongko Muhammad Bayu, Tjahyono D. Gondhowiardjo.

Radial relaxation retinectomy followed by gas (C3F8 14%) tamponade usage has been applied to eyes experiencing retinal detachment accompanied by PVR of grade C1, C2, C3 and D1. In this method, geometrical boundaries of radial retinectomy are set up as to protect blood vessels, papil and macula. So far, out of totally 60 eyes who have received the treatment of this method, 2 eyes achieved 70% vision improvement, 4 eyes achieved 60%, 9 eyes achieved 50%, 16 eyes achived 40%, 14 eyes achieved 30%, 9 eyes achived 20%, and 6 eyes experienced 10% vision improvement. This new method provides an alternative relaxation retinectomy which is relatively fast and inexpensive and yields good results.

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