Gynecology & Reproductive Health

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9342


Historical transition and advantage of maternal and child health book in Japan

Authors: Kyoko Kajihara.

Background: The maternal and child health (MCH) handbook is the original one in Japan, and its historical dates back before the war. Along with the amendment of the law, the maternal and child health program was also strengthened and the MCH handbook had changed not only the name but also its contents.

Purpose: I will review the history of MCH handbook and clarify the purpose of establishing MCH handbook.

Method: It is the examination of the prior documents and papers. I looked up the documents and original articles not to assign the age.

Results: I looked up the 42 articles but the target of the examination of analysis were 12 original articles.

Conclusion: In 1926, infant mortality was 289,275 and neonatal mortality was 119,624 in Japan. And furthermore, flow number to be prematurely delivered of a child was almost 300,000 and maternal death by deliver was 5,000 per year. In 1940, maternal mortality rate was 239.6 per child birth 100,000. The origin of the maternal and child health book was “Mutterpass” from Germany. “Mutterpass” consisted first half of the book was for the first baby and last half of the book was for the second baby. In Japan, MCH handbook consisted for the pregnant women and the one baby to manage their health condition.
World War the second was the turning point of the health service and public health administration of Japan. Especially maternity health administration was promoted by the government and they expand the range of the MCH handbook.

From 1948, the MCH handbook was covered and managed in one book from pregnancy period and their children. We have promoted the notebook system by continuing these advantages and enhancing the contents.

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