Gynecology & Reproductive Health

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9342


Difficulties in Antenatal Diagnosis of Conjoined Twins in an African Setting, 2 Cases Reports

Authors: Adjoby Roland, Alla Christian, Effoh Ndrin Denis, Koffi Soh Victor, Gbary-Lagaud Eléonore, Angoi Aya Virginie, Houphouet-Mwandji Blanche Carine, Akobé Privat

Fetal imaging techniques have undergone considerable change over the past 30 years. The recent development of three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound represents a technological revolution that enables the diagnosis of certain fetal malformations. However, this technology is not always available to obstetricians in common practice in subSaharan Africa. The presence of conjoined twins is a rare possibility during pregnancy. We report the antenatal discovery of conjoined thoraco-omphalopages twins and dicephalic conjoined twins including the first discovered in 3D ultrasound at 26 weeks of amenorrhea and the second unexpectedly during a low-birth at 32 weeks. These 2 observations show the difficulties of antenatal diagnosis. This diagnosis could make it possible to establish a prognosis and to practice a medical interruption of pregnancy in agreement with the couple.

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