Addiction Research

Open Access ISSN: 2639-8451


Acute Ischemic Stroke as Complication of Untreated Infant with Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease, Case Report

Authors: Huda Khaleel MD,  AlQassmi Amal

Background: Stroke is a common presentation in emergency department but rarely seen in pediatric patients. In case of acute ischemic stroke in pediatric age group, management is different from that of adult ischemic stroke where thrombolysis is a good option.
Method: We report Term baby, 28days old baby had history of fever for 3 days after delivery and lethargy, irritability, poor feeding associated with cyanotic spell, apnea for few seconds after few days of admission had frequent multifocal seizure (tonic-clonic)of both limbs diagnosed to D-TGA complicated with have right partial stroke and deep venous thrombosis.
Result: Patient improved clinically and refer to tertiary center for cardiac surgery.
Conclusion: Cyanoticheart lesions not only increase the risk of cerebral infarction, but can also mimic computed tomography (CT) sign of cerebral venous thrombosis.

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