Gynecology & Reproductive Health

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9342


Enabling the ‘Breastfeeding-Work Dyad’ and Understanding the Contextual Pentad of Productive Work, Reproductive Work, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Politics: The Tantalizing Microcosmic Perspectives Encapsulated with Some Imaginatively Innovative Interventions

Authors: Charles Osayande EREGIE.

This ‘Invited Narrative Review’ seeks to explore how best to ‘Enable Breastfeeding-Work Dyad’ extrapolated from conceptualizing the ‘Contextual Pentad Components’ which have been disposed to reflect ‘Optimality begetting Optimality’ and situate with ‘Logical Sequential Flow’ re: ‘Optimal Productive Work’ flows from ‘Optimal Reproductive Work’ which itself flows from ‘Optimal Reproductive Health’ ultimately flowing from ‘Optimal Reproductive Rights’ also flowing from, and encapsulated and facilitated by, ‘Optimal Reproductive Politics’. ‘Optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding’ is reportedly a ‘Programmatic Fulcrum’ of ‘Optimal Reproductive Work’. The Treatise is replete with ‘Tantalizing Teasers’ to stimulate and invite further ‘Contextual Conversational Surfing’. The ‘Thrust’ of the Narrative Review: ‘Enabling the Breastfeeding-Work Dyad’ mirrors the ‘2023 World Breastfeeding Week Theme’ which is ‘Enabling Breastfeeding: Making a Difference for Working Parents’. Some ‘Imaginatively Innovative Initiatives/ Interventions’ are ventilated to whet the appetite. ‘Breastfeeding’ is a ‘Low-cost High-impact Strategy’ to achieve ‘Optimal Reproductive Work’ for engendering ‘Optimal Productive Work’.

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