Nursing & Primary Care

Open Access ISSN: 2639-9474


A Possibility of Application of Human Cognitive Psychology to Artificial Intelligence to Improve Dermatological Diagnostics and its Accuracy

Authors: Alina M. Jacob, Sneed KB, Yashwant Pathak.

Looking into the state of the human mind and cognitive psychology, pattern recognition is a skill that we excel at. The neocortex, the outermost part of the brain only found in mammals, is responsible for this ability. With the development of advanced neural networks, humans can have better processing of visual and auditory patterns. Being able to look for patterns is typically considered part of what we consider to be superior pattern processing (SPP). As we evolved, our capabilities became increasingly sophisticated, allowing for the creation of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm, being a large part of creation and recognition. AI is notable for standard pattern recognition tasks as it has an abundance of data and advances in data-driven machine learning. However, there is a large gap within AI to overcome for it to reach human-level skill processing abilities. This creates the question of how we will be able to build a bridge to cross that gap by applying cognitive psychology principles to AI and advancing the pattern processing systems and whether it is even possible. If it is possible, can it increase the accuracy and precision of AI diagnostic abilities within healthcare?

There have been significant advancements within healthcare that necessitate the need for AI such as in radiology images and detecting potentially cancerous lesions. It is important to note that these diagnosing systems do not work independently; they work in unison with healthcare professionals and are a guide and tool in the diagnosing process. This concept of AI aiding healthcare professionals can be applied within the medical specialty of dermatology. With skin diseases increasing daily, healthcare professionals must treat patients with utmost care while also providing accurate diagnoses. With improved AI systems, it can potentially find early warning signs of diseases that the human eye did not catch. However, there are some downsides to utilizing AI within healthcare, which reduces its reliability but, in the end, the pros could potentially outweigh the cons. With an increase in AI systems within healthcare, it could increase productivity and help people in lower-income communities and areas by providing economic benefits. Overall, the introduction of more advanced AI pattern recognition structures can provide more accurate diagnostic results in a quicker time and will allow for more accurate treatment for skin disease.

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