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Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2641-4333.1033
Gender and Age Disparity in Co-Morbidities Associated with OSA

Authors: Amira Ishag-Osman, Brandon Barsky, Andrew Dakkak, Serena Spaleny, Nadir Osman, Edith Mensah-Osman.

Case Report DOI: 10.33425/2639-9512.1018
Decrease in CD10 (NEP) Expression in Non-Alzheimer’s Dementia Patients after SB Cells® Treatment

Authors: Monica Lui, Jonathan Tang, Wen Ying Lee, Xiao Chen, Lee Chen, Tina Zhang, Puning Cheng, Jessica Ding, Tom Flashman and James Wang.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2639-8494.1012
The Brazilian National Immunization Program and Its Challenges for Modernization and Improvement

Authors: Ricardo Bordinhão.

Research Article DOI: 10.33425/2689-1050.1035
A New Homosesquiterpenoid of Cinnamomum Macrostemon

Authors: Chang CT, Liu CM, Yeh HC, Li WJ, Li HT, Tsai YS, Chen CY, Liu SL.

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International Journal of Research in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
International Journal of Research in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
ISSN: 2996-4377

International Journal of Research in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation is an open access, peer reviewed journal dedicated to publish articles ...

Food Science & Nutrition Research
Food Science & Nutrition Research
ISSN: 2641-4295

Food Science & Nutrition Research is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal covering all aspects of food science...

International Journal of Agriculture and Technology
International Journal of Agriculture and Technology
ISSN: 2770-2928

International Journal of Agriculture and Technology (ISSN 2770-2928) is an scholarly and scientific open access journal publishing peer-reviewed re...

Trends in Internal Medicine
Trends in Internal Medicine
ISSN: 2771-5906

Trends in Internal Medicine is an international, open-access peer-reviewed, journal publishing article dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and ...

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