Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews

Open Access ISSN: 2639-944X


Animal as a Living System

Authors: Martin Vlček.

A living system is described as a generalization of model work on economic systems. Even these are then understandable as living systems, ie, among other things, and above all - able to make decisions based on the degree of their own existence. You could say - having an instinct for self-preservation.

The essential requirement is therefore the presence in the system of the part which is this measure, and a comparison of the systems shows that it must be the part which has "integrity" as an essential characteristic. This is then measurable, and if it reflects the characteristics associated with existence - the satisfaction of the elements and their migration trend, it can be used to monitor existence.

Each system must be synchronized, controlled as a whole. At the beginning of the activity of a living system, there is an event in the degree of its existence, which then triggers its activity. But how should the evaluating part of the degree of existence be managed? "Who's going to guard the guards?"

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