Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews

Open Access ISSN: 2639-944X


Comparison of Lifelong Risk on The Basis of Studies on The Origin of Breast and Ovarian Carcinoma

Authors: Petra Riedlova, Jana Janoutova.

Introduction: Breast carcinoma is currently one of the most frequently discussed and also the most frequently occurring cancerous diseases in women. Inheritance plays a significant role in development of breast carcinoma, as in most other cancerous diseases. The genes that play a significant role in diagnosis of breast ca are called the BRCA1/2 genes.

Methods: A number of studies were performed, which prove that the BRCA1/2 genes have a serious effect on the risk of breast ca or ovarian ca. These studies are constantly varied and the environment in which we live also plays a significant role here. 8 studies were chosen from the papers published between 2013-2018 (from Great Britain, Holland, China, Israel, USA, Korea). These studies were compared to studies published in 2000-2010.

Results: The results from studies performed before 2010 do not differ significantly from the results in subsequent years. But there is a visible difference between the lifelong risk of breast carcinoma between eastern and western countries. The risk of breast ca in western countries remains higher than in studies from eastern countries. The Near East, a study carried out on Israeli Jewish women, falls somewhere in the middle of these two margins.

Conclusion: The difference between western and eastern countries undoubtedly results from different living conditions, lifestyle and probably also the level of advancement of the western culture. Whether this concerns education, later pregnancy, use of hormonal contraception and similar.

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