Journal of Medical - Clinical Research & Reviews

Open Access ISSN: 2639-944X


Does Hallux Valgus Surgery Modify The Gait Parameters?: Litterature Review

Authors: Maude Traulle, Jean Mazeas, Jérôme Sadaka, Rémy Touzard, Matthieu Trousselier, Florian Forelli.

Background: The deformation of the hallux into a valgus constitutes the most frequent deformation of the forefoot and one of the most performed corrective surgeries in the region. This deformation is the cause of many biomechanical disorders and causes gait disturbances.

Objective: This review aims to analyse the restoration of space-time and kinematic parameters of walking in the aftermath of corrective surgery for hallux valgus.

Material and Method: four studies were analysed according to the main criteria of walking speed, support time, step length and kinematics of the ankle and foot before and after intervention.

Results: If some of the results obtained in the analysed works show an improvement of these criteria in post-operative, the subjects having benefited from hallux valgus surgery seem to present certain persistent problems in the spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters.

Conclusion: This work does not demonstrate the superiority of one surgical technique over another in the recovery of gait. This recovery does not seem absolute, but this review highlights above all the lack of literature on this subject.

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